Hit or Miss Monday

It's that time again!  Another round of Hit or Miss Monday...

Jamie's up first:
 In honor of fall finally showing it's face (by me at least) I'm showing you one of my favorite places in the world. There is almost nothing as nice as driving the blue ridge in the peak of the season in the trusty jeep (sans doors) with a big sweatshirt --- try it, you'll like it! (Miranda says:  LIES.  Riding in a Jeep with no doors and windows is crazy cold.  Heh.  Remind me to tell you about the time I rode in the back of Jamie's jeep and froze my butt off, all for some new ink...in a little place called GASTONIA)

Because bathing suits aren't awkward enough, let's throw a game system on one with buttons and a screen for people to comment and stare at... Nope you won't look weird at all with this on (at Comic-con, that is)

And my turn!

Really, WHY doesn't this approach work??  It makes sense to me!

Y'all...I don't even know what to say to this one.  But what the WHAT???

And you pretty pinners out there - can I tell you how much I LOVE seeing your hits and misses pinned to Pinterest?  Keep em coming!  It brightens my day, makes me smile and for a brief moment I think you like me.  You really like me us.