Hit or Miss Monday

How many of you have kids home from school today?  Any kid friendly Pinterest projects going on?  Who has snow on the ground?  Am I asking enough questions?  Ok, let's get to it...

Here's this week's hit or miss - Jamie's first.

Hit: Let me take you back to a simpler time, a time when you only had to worry about who liked you and who didn't and who had on the same outfit as you and who noticed your face starting to break out. Okay, maybe not a simpler time. Do you remember passing notes?? Notes had their very own art form. The cooler the fold of the note, the more important it was! I should have realized that my first boyfriend was no good - his folding was way too simple. These days it's all texting - the art of folding notes has disappeared! Man, I feel old. 

And miss:  This one leaves me speechless. The person who has this in their shower needs counseling. A LOT of counseling. They also must shower in record time. 

And mine!

Hit:  I know it's not Halloween time, but I couldn't resist this one.  This is the cutest flippin thing I've seen in awhile - look at the expressions on their faces,  I can't tell if they're mad or just resigned to wearing gnome costumes for Halloween, which is way more unique than Power Rangers - the costume my son chose like 47 years in a row.  (Ok, or 3)


I know that knitting/crocheting is no longer an old lady hobby and has become a little bit of a trend in recent years (I swear it was Julia Roberts who started it back up again when a picture of her and a bag full of knitting stuff showed up in a gossip mag)  Anyway, despite its trendiness, I enthusiastically say NO to this look.  Plus, is gray/brown the best color to use as the stripe down the you know where?????  I'm JUST ASKING.

What did you guys see this week?