Hit or Miss Monday

Would you guys believe my computer is on the fritz again?  (Is that a phrase, on the fritz?)  Well, regardless - my good for nothing Dell (no offense, Dell...) is showing me nothing but a black screen with a white rectangular box.  I would really appreciate if you would all email my husband and tell him how I clearly need to upgrade to a MacBook Pro.  His email is toddh  just kidding...he would kill me.

So this week's Hit or Miss won't look EXACTLY the same because I'm making do on an old IBM ThinkPad (HOLLA!  You know you're jealous of my stylish ways...)

Jamie's Hit this week:

This cracked me up. Allen came home this weekend and was snuggling with Macie - I realized at that moment that I should probably get one of these shirts for him. I said something about her dating one day and I saw the crazy eyes come out a little. There is no way that a guy stands a chance in our house, poor Macie is never going to date. 

And her Miss:

I am left completely speechless with this one. It's weird, it's creepy, it even looks uncomfortable!! SO WEIRD PEOPLE!!! 

And my Hit this week:

I love little kid stuff like this.  My son once wrote the world's funniest sentences in a journal entry in preschool (which you can read HERE) so stuff like this warms my heart and makes me reminisce about a time when kids said the darndest things.  Now it's not so much darndest as sassiest, but I'm clinging to the memories...  and besides, this is just kind of rad.

(in case you can't see it, it says What will you be doing when you're 100 years old?  And the kid says, Breaking out of my TOMB.  BOOYAH.  Ok, he didnt say booyah but you know - feels like it needs a booyah)

And my Miss:

Hey I'm all for self expression through fashion and accessories.  Remember that famous saying by Coco Chanel that advises women to remove one accessory before leaving the house to avoid accidental over accessorizing?  Yeah, I ignore that.  I'm kind of the opposite of that.  But still - these shoes are a bit much, even for me.  Perhaps they are for underwater ballroom dance class?

What did you all see this week?

~miranda & jamie~