Hit or Miss Monday

This week I bought myself a big ol' white board that I plan to mount on the wall and use to organize my life.  I am pretty sure the white board has some kind of crazy voodoo magic that will turn me into a highly efficient and organized machine of a person.  I swear, every Monday I wake up and think to myself, "WOW, last week was so crazy - I am really, really glad we have some down time this week"  and then I lay there and sleepily imagine breakfast in bed when reality slaps me around and I sit up in a panic realizing I forgot that I have 400 things to do. 

I'm not alone in this, right? 

Just when I'm looking forward to this:

Suddenly, this happens:

But, at least being so busy keeps me from wasting time on things like Pinterest cleaning.  ;)

Thank goodness for this week's Hit or Miss picks, because they had me giggling as I wrote this blog post. 

Jamie's up first - with her Hit:

Okay does this even need an explanation?? How much fun is this? I've already decided that the next time I see Miranda I'm making her do it. There is nothing like seeing a friend's smooshed face to make you laugh as you're answering the phone!  Miranda says: HECK YES.  Game on. 

And her Miss:

Really?? You are on an overcrowded flight and you choose to get up and go into the smelly, tiny bathroom and play with the disposable toilet seat covers?? You decide to not only play, but pose and try to reenact a famous work of art... in an airplane bathroom?? wow.

And my Hit:

It's easy to feel popular with social networking right?  Like, "Oh look at me, I have eleventy billion friends on Facebook"  (Sure, some of them are old preschool playmates, and I haven't seen a few of them since elementary school, and a handful of them are just my friends because they know my sister's mother in law's cousin Ethel and her daughter June...)  Anyway - I DO seriously think that you can tell a lot about a person through social networking, and specifically by what they pin, and I think this a LOT!

And my Miss:

Ok, admittedly I'm not a pet person.  I've tried, and it's just not for me.  It's not that I want to punch kittens or anything, I just don't do well with pet hair and pet vomit and pet poop and...well, you get it.  I'd pick a tiny human any day.  Now that you all hate me and think I'm a sad shell of a human being, let me say that I DO understand why people love having pets (because I do too, in theory!) and I TOTALLY get the whole "pets are part of our family" thing.  I even think dressing up your doggy can be cute.  But fake nails?  I'm...um...at a loss.  How would this even work?  Because I've had a dog before - and she would have chewed these suckers off as fast as they went on.

That's it for this week's Hit or Miss - what did you see?

~miranda & jamie