Spring has Sprung ... and so has Neon

Have you noticed that as spring is well, springing - so is neon?? It's all over the place. There are some things that are just blinding. You know the blinding I'm talking about - that 80s blinding. All the clashing neons of pink and green with flashes of yellow. Confession - I used to wear not one, but two pairs of neon socks to school. I had these kicking neon green and hot pink socks with silver metallic thread running through them and I would wear them with my awesome high tops. Yup, I was SO cool. It was this flashback that made me a little bit leery of the newest neon trend. I don't want to accidentally fall into the past and end up a clashing neon mess. That would be embarrassing. I stumbled on a pin that intrigued me enough to start contemplating neon. Contemplating. 

It's no secret that I love shoes. Allen would tell you I have way too many shoes, but really - is that even possible?? Crazy talk I tell you. Back to the pin from Shrimp Salad Circus - aren't these cute shoes? I kept looking at them and after some further contemplation, I decided it was time to dive into the neon. I did use caution though. No yellow or pinks. 

It just so happened that I had a pair of Rocket Dogs (I heart Rocket Dogs) that I haven't worn since before I was pregnant. It could be because my feet swelled in my sixth month of pregnancy (August!), it could also be because they got stuck under some crap in the back of the jeep and I just found them. Oops. My scattered brain worked well for this though, I now had the perfect subject for my little pin-experiment. 

I gathered my supplies (tape, mod podge, acrylic paint and brushes) and got to work. First, I taped up the shoes so that I wouldn't get paint on anything but the toes. My shoes have a bow so I taped the bow up but if your shoes don't have a bow, just tape across the toe in a nice, neat line. Good luck with that!

After you are all taped off, paint a nice coat of acrylic paint onto the toes. Make sure you get in all the nooks and crannies of the shoes and then, let it dry. Good and dry. 

Now repeat and do a second layer. Let it dry completely. I can be super a tad impatient, so this was tough. 

Time for the last layer of paint, be careful! That's it - three layers of paint done. Time to let it dry. Completely. 

Once everything is good and dry, get out the Mod Podge. I used regular Mod Podge at first and then realized I had outdoor Mod Podge. I know, its sad that I didn't know I had it. Moving on. I did a thin layer of outdoor Mod Podge and let it dry and then it was time to pull all of the tape off. Yup. That's it!

What do you think? Am I one step away from neon socks? Please tell me no.