Hit or Miss Monday

Hey friends!  Hope you all had a great weekend celebrating, relaxing, shopping, crafting, cooking, sewing, lounging, running...or whatever else you may have done!

My husband informed me that it's supposed to rain for the next few days which simultaneous bums me out and also makes me excited for the excuse to stay home and work on a few projects!  Jamie & I have some really cool things in the works now that we are in the same city and I can't wait to get going and share them with you all soon!

But, until then - here are this week's Hit or Miss picks!

Jamie's Hit:

I want to hang this in my kitchen, it pretty much explains my style of cooking - the hotter the better. I seem to have no heat gauge when it comes to spice (ask miranda about the "not spicy" meals I've fixed her... oops). it doesn't help that Allen likes spicy food too. This could be my warning sign for anyone coming over. BEWARE - I really do put sriracha on everything!

And her Miss:

Okay really??? WHY???? Someone needs to explain to me why it's a good idea step out of the shower and pretend to be bleeding, or have a bloody bath mat. Bleeding is not one of the fun things in life I dream about, it's actually something I try to avoid (weird, I know) Can you imagine being a house guest and taking a shower and then stepping on this mat??? I would freak out. I would think that I gashed my foot in the shower and I would lose it. If anyone out there is looking for a gift to buy me in the future, let me help you - THIS IS NOT IT. 

And my Hit: 

Ok, so - I acknowledge this makes me like, the creepiest Mom ever because I am choosing this as a Hit and not a Miss...and I will admit, I was on the fence.  But when it comes right down to it, if you're a Mom you definitely have at some point wished you had more hands.  And if you've ever tried to lay a sleeping baby down in the crib,  you REALLY wished you could cut off your hands and arms so the baby would never know you left.  So...creepy?  Absolutely.  Functional?  Definitely.

And my Miss:

Holy crap, I cannot believe that Christian Louboutin made my Miss list.  I'm saddened by this, and I realize it might make me totally lame and way out of touch with fashion.  (Ask Jamie about our weekend search for heels that resulted in nothing but wedges.  We're both out of touch, ok?)  But I digress - these shoes look more like a weapon than a shoe.  And forget the fact that I'd probably accidentally step on the back of someone's heel if I wore these and maim them for life - I'm pretty sure I'd injure MYSELF trying to put them on.

Did you see anything this week that made your hit or miss list?

~miranda & jamie