Winner Winner!!

Happy Monday friends! Hopefully you had a good weekend with lots of fun, sun and perhaps some Father's Day festivities. There's been a lot of unpacking, sorting and painting going on in our house. Oh and Miranda and I have been busy mod-podging up a storm. Yes, mod-podging is a word ... don't question.  Let's just say that nap time has become the perfect time to mod podge. 

Speaking of Mod Podge and how much it rocks - we have a winner for the amazing Mod Podge Rocks book and goodie bag .... drumroll .... 

Danielle - email us at [email protected] in the next 48 hours to claim your awesome prize.  If you don't contact us, I may be forced to keep the prize and use all the Mod Podge myself... I kid kid... sort of. Ha. 

For all of you that are now sad because you didn't win... I'm sorry. I'll leave you with my hit of the week. It's funny because it's true.