Hit or Miss Monday

Hi hi hi!  We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing weekend full of friends, family, fun and Pinterest.  Jamie and I got to have a fun little shopping trip today sans children, thanks to some good husbands who stayed home and let us have grown up time.  It's amazing how a few hours away can make you feel almost human again ;)

On to this week's Hit or Miss picks -

Jamie's Hit:

i have a confession. i used to want to be like bob ross. i loved him. i used to stay home from school sick and watch him paint his "little trees" and dream of painting like him. i feel like it's somehow fitting that he be immortalized in legos. awesome.

And her Miss: 

just in case you want to look as though your nails are growing a new species. this is so weird. who wants fuzzy nails?? this is a bad joke. it has to be. please tell him it is... please!!

And my Hit:

Why does this always happen?  It's always when I tell myself I'm just making a quick trip to the store and won't see anyone that I do, in fact, run into EVERYONE.  And when I make an effort, there's not a soul around to appreciate it!

And my Miss:

Ok, these ARE for Halloween (at least I'm hoping!) and so they are kind of a "hit" in that they are realistically gag worthy and disgusting.  But honestly, I can't get over how realistically gag worthy and disgusting they are, so I have to make them my miss.  I kept staring at them, trying to figure out what was going on here.  So realistic and so so so gross.  I have to give props though to the mastermind behind this.  Well done.  I am officially revolted.

(Also, as a side note - how hysterical was Jamie's Hit?  I am going to tease her for the rest of her life about wanting to be Bob Ross.  She is withholding info though - she confided in me that she also owned a little easel and some Bob Ross paints.  I am STILL laughing just imagining it...)

What did you all see this week?