Hit or Miss Monday

Happy Monday friends!  Is it fall yet?

But seriously.  I have mixed feelings - I will miss the option of hanging out by the pool (which really means chasing a toddler around and trying to keep him from injuring himself) but I'm ready for cooler weather and apple picking!

But until then, I will entertain myself with some hit or miss pins!  Here are Jamie's:


i really don't think this needs much explanation i mean come on - this is awesome. i want one, i need one. never mind that macie would be running around like a mad woman while i lounge away in the sun.... details, details.


okay, i love my iphone. i take a lot of pictures with my iphone (hello instagram) but people. i take the pics with my phone because its fast and in my pocket. adding this lens is not fast and umm, pretty sure it's not going to fit in my pocket. in fact, i'm pretty sure i'll need to carry a bag just for the lens... perhaps a camera bag. maybe you should just carry your CAMERA! 

And my Hit:

I haaaate bugs.  I hate them.  I know I am not alone here.  And heaven forbid I am home alone and see one - then the real dilemma begins.  Do I pretend it doesn't exist and hope it finds its way back to its little bug home?  Do I KILL it?  What if I accidentally touch it?  What if it's some kind of weird ninja insect and it jumps at me?  What if I half kill it?  What if I THINK I kill it, and it comes crawling back out of the garbage can?  OR TOILET?  I have, on more than one occasion, done something quite similar to this.  Without the tape though, which I think is a nice touch.

And my Miss:

This looks like death.  I'm not sure who would want to tempt fate and wear a pair of these babies - it's like asking for a tumble and a trip to the ER.  And is it just me, or does that Eiffel Tower look a little bit like the Leaning Tower of Pisa?  DANGER.

What hits and misses have you seen this week?