Meet Lesley with By The Porchlight & GIVEAWAY!

Hi TPP readers!  We are so excited to introduce you to one of our awesome sponsors, Lesley who blogs over at By The Porchlight.

We asked Lesley a few questions so we - and you - could get to know her a little better.  

Tell us a little about yourself!
Well, where to start? I'm 27, living in St John's, Newfoundland with my wonderful partner, Steve, and our three kitties. I wish I could tell you what I "do" but it's been kind of a mystery lately. I'm technically trained as a high school teacher but that "career" didn't last very long. I didn't like substitute teaching and, frankly, that's all there is for teachers around here. Unfortunately, there's no demand. Right now, I'm working as a supervisor at a local swanky catering company. I really like it and plan to stay at it a while. Who knows where it might take me. Ask me again in a year and I might be doing something completely different. 

How did you get started writing By the Porchlight and what's the background on the name? 
You know those nice summer evenings when the air is a bit cool and you can hear the crickets chirping and the trees rustling? That's my idea of heaven. When I think of those nights I picture sitting in a comfy chair out on a deck, or rather a porch, reading a book. This is basically the inspiration for the name of my blog; I just like the way it "feels".

I got started blogging because I admired so many other peoples' blogs. I've always been into DIY and craft projects and loved finding new ones through Pinterest. Eventually, I put my jealousy of everyone's blogs to work. I thought it would give me a nice project to work on continually. I love projects haha.

What's one thing that you want everyone to know about you?
I'm hosting a giveaway in September!!! It'll be my first one and I've got some fantastic Etsy shops lined up as sponsors! Like, really really cool stuff! Seriously. You'll love it. 
What's your favorite ice cream? 
Mmm... I LOVE ice cream. Especially ice cream with brownie bits and fudge all swirled through it. I think that flavour is called "Brownies and Fudge"..... 
What's your favorite thing to wear? 
I wish I could say something like my designer jeans, and this super hot cool shirt, and all these cool accessories, and super hot pumps...but I cannot tell a lie. I am definitely not the most fashionable person. My idea of a great outfit is a comfy, baggy hoodie and some worn-in jeans. I wish I could get away with wearing that everywhere I go.

How do you spend your free time? 
I'm pretty much a home-body. I don't go out and party much at all. I prefer spending quiet time at home reading, surfing the internet, blogging, taking naps... I'm a sucker for a good book and a good nap! 
What's your all-time favorite post? 
I think this one - - about how to make a calendar journal is my favourite. There's nothing particularly awesome about the way the post was designed or anything but I really like the craft and hope you guys do, too! It makes a great gift.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done? 
Umm... bought a house with someone I'd only been with for 6 months? I obviously live on the wild side.  
Speaking of living on the wild side...Lesley sent us this picture from a trip to Thailand!  How cool is she??

Lesley is also offering up 2 medium ad spots on her blog!  That's a 250x100 ad for 2 of our readers - if you have a blog or shop you want to promote then sign up!

a Rafflecopter giveaway