Pumpkin Spice Creamer

A couple of weeks ago I texted Jamie that I had broken down, grabbed a container of pumpkin spice creamer from the grocery store and was enjoying it withOUT reading the ingredients.  This is really unlike me.  Jamie texted back that she couldn't bring herself to buy the stuff because it scared her too much.  Haha.

I put it to the back of my mind - even though I'm usually a freak about what's in our food - because, you know, it's FALL and with fall comes all things pumpkin.  I love pumpkin more than is normal, I fear.  So for about a week I sipped my coffee with pumpkin spice creamer and ignored the nagging voice in the back of my head to read the label.

I finally gave in to the annoying voice and read the label.  CURSE YOU VOICE!  Into the trash it went.  I threw a tantrum.  I cried big tears.  I rolled around on the floor in agony.  All I wanted was a little pumpkin flavored creamer for my coffee.  Was that too much to ask?

Well, apparently {and thankfully!} not, according to Next to Heaven.  {PS - how perfect is her blog title?  I would have to agree that pumpkin spice creamer IS indeed Next to Heaven!}  And this would definitely taste great in coffee, tea OR hot chocolate! YUM.

I, of course, had all the ingredients on hand so I couldn't wait to get started.

Here's what you'll need...

Pumpkin Spice Creamer

- 1 cup of milk (I used coconut milk, because that's what we had on hand)
- 1 cup of heavy cream
- 5-6 Tblsp of pumpkin puree {not pumpkin pie mix, just plain puree}
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 4 Tbslp of pure maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract

Whisk milk, cream, pumpkin, syrup, and pumpkin spice together over medium heat. When it starts to get hot and steam, remove from heat and add the vanilla. Use a strainer to transfer the cream into a jar.    Let it cool down and chill it the refrigerator

She's not kidding about straining the mixture either - I thought mine looked pretty smooth but I strained it through my flour sifter twice just in case and I'm glad I did...

The original blog says the flavor gets better overnight.  I can't attest to that since I haven't let mine sit overnight yet. So my disclosure is this - I felt like I had to use a LOT of this creamer to get some flavor in my coffee.  Maybe it needs more spice, maybe more pumpkin - I'm not sure.  But I do like that I know what went into it, that the ingredients aren't gross and full of chemicals.  I'm going to give it a try after it sits in the refrigerator all night and see how it does.

Also?  Several hours after making this creamer, I was rearranging stuff in the refrigerator and one of my bottles fell off and shattered on my floor, spilling the precious creamer everywhere.  Including my socks and jeans.  GRRRR.  Good thing this made about 3 cups, filling 2 bottles.

See that pretty bottle one the right?  KAPUT.  GONE.  DEAD IN THE WATER.  I cry.

So are you a pumpkin fan?  Do you like pumpkin flavored coffee?
EDITED TO ADD: I tried the creamer this morning in my coffee and I only used the normal amount and it tastes great!  Definitely, definitely let your creamer sit overnight.