Hit or Miss Monday

Can you guys believe I left this behind?

{I think all my Facebook friends are glad I'm home and will no longer be posting annoying pictures of the exact same view repeatedly...I can't help it, the beach makes me happy and I want to share!}

Sad to say goodbye to that kick butt view, however I am more than glad to be in my own house again tonight.  I seriously walked in the door and felt SO excited to be back, I was like "oh yeah!  I love it here!"

Vacationing with a two year old should be called something completely different by the way.  It's no vacation, that's for sure!

Ok, on to the Hit or Miss choices for this week.

Jamie's Hit:

Have you seen all of these pictures?? I love them, they are hilarious. This one is completely my favorite though. Macie always wants to help and this is exactly how I feel. When I need the kid to pick up her toys, she has lead for feet but when she's "helping" she is like lightning. She can destroy a kitchen in record time. It's like an art form. Toddlers can get into anything and have the determination of an army!

And her Miss:

Speechless. Who thought it was a good idea to make a Viagra super hero?? And weirder.. who thought it was a better idea to take a picture of that awkward super hero with your kid??? One of these days this kid is going to find this picture and have a very strange conversation with his parents.

And my Hit:

Holy crap this is funny.  It's possible I'm completely sleep deprived due to the above mentioned "vacation" with a two year old but seriously I could not stop laughing over this.  The kind of non stop giggling that makes other people in the room with you glare in your general direction because they aren't in on the fun.  I am just imagining going to grab a box of diapers and having a googly eyed kid staring back at me.

And my Miss:

The internet never runs out of awkward photos.  That is the good news.  The bad news is - the internet never runs out of awkward photos.  While this is laugh inducing, it does make you stop and think...whyyyy?  Clowns are creepy to begin with, right?  Putting a clown costume on a pregnant woman is really bizarre.  I want to know who talked this poor girl into thinking this was a fun idea.

What did you see this week?