A Quick Note...

Happy Monday friends. I just wanted to pop in and give you a quick reminder that we are still on the lookout for a few more guest bloggers... you know, for when Miranda has her hands full with a brand new baby!! He's coming people!

Here's the info! We would love to hear from you.

Art for a New Room

Between Miranda's "nesting" and getting everyone moved around in her house to prepare for the newest little man's arrival and our recent move, I know we've been on kid room overload but buckle up because I have another one for you. 

Poor Quinn has been overlooked for months (literally, the poor girl is six months old) and it's about time I get her into a proper nursery. I've had the ideas knocking around in my brain.. and Pinterest board... for months and months but it is just now starting to take shape. At this rate, she'll be voicing her own opinions before it's done. 

Easy, Inexpensive Reading Nook

One of the final "projects" I did to complete Beckett's big boy room was to add a little reading corner/nook.  This is easy, cheap and super cute - takes zero skill level, which let's face it, is nice from time to time.  (Especially at 39 weeks pregnant!)

Calling all Guest Bloggers!

Ok, my baby countdown clock is ticking.  This week marks my 39th week of pregnancy and I'm ready for this little (or not so little guy as they are estimating) to make his appearance any time now.  Granted, his big brother took 9 long days after his due date to show up but I'm pretending that's not my reality...

Anyway, with a new baby right around the corner I need to line up some fabulous guest bloggers.  If you have a craft/DIY/food focused blog I would love to hear from you.  All you need to do to throw your name in the hat is email [email protected].  Give us your blog title, a quick little overview of what your blog is about and a link to a post that you've done that would be similar to something you'd write for us.  If we think your post would be a good fit, we'll get you scheduled!

This would be great for anyone getting started in blogging!  We have thousands of FB fans and get thousands of hits on our blog each day - and we'd love to help get your name out there while you help Jamie keep the blog up and running in my absence.

Can't wait to hear from you!

A Little White Mod Podge Bookcase

We've been in our new house a few weeks now and not being settled is starting to bug me. My goal was to get the girls settled and then tackle the rest of the house. It hasn't worked. They aren't settled. We aren't settled. It's time to get serious. 

Dresser redo with Annie Sloan!

I mentioned last week that I'm in the middle (well now, I'm actually pretty well finished) of a big boy room transformation for my 2 year old, Beckett.  We moved him down the hall to give his nursery to the baby (who better be here in the next 2 weeks!) and I've been spending a lot of time getting his room fun and exciting and big boy friendly.  Remember his fun, customized hoop art?

Hit or Miss Monday

Hi peeps!

I'm sitting here alone in my living room - windows wide open, ceiling fan on.  Kids are in bed, husband is upstairs catching up on Netflix shows...it feels like glorious fall and it is QUIET.  This, my friends, is a good night.

Chowing on some Eggplant Fries

Eggplant... mmmm. I love eggplant. I was going to tell you this long story about all different ways I've cooked it and all the different places I've ordered it but well, that's long and dull and who am I kidding? You don't really care about all the ways I've made eggplant that I'm not planning on giving you recipes to. I'll just cut to the chase. Eggplant fries. Love them. There's a restaurant not far from my parents that have been making eggplant fries for a long time. Since before people got all crazy against carbs and went atkins and paleo and all of the other diets that hate on potatoes (side note: who can hate potatoes??) I've never thought to make the fries at home but then I saw it....

Embroidery Hoop Art

I love the embroidery hoop wall art collages I've seen online lately.  They are so adorable, have the perfect amount of homemade touch to them and can be so easily customizable that I had to give it a shot for Beckett's new big boy room.  We are getting things ready to welcome home a newborn in a few short weeks and I'm trying to get my 2 year old excited about all the changes.  He's always had a vintage airplane themed room, it just got a little more big boy and a little less baby over the past few weeks.  

Hit or Miss Monday

Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a fun weekend and had a chance to celebrate that it is finally and officially fall. So excited. We went to the farm stand to get some veggies and Macie saw that they now have all the pumpkins out. Of course she got insanely excited and informed me that it is now "trick or treating time." Awesome. I'm pretty sure she's going to know when I hide her candy from her this year - things are going to get tricky. 

This week you get little ol' me again. Miranda is well, very pregnant and you one thing you don't do is mess with a pregnant lady. Sometimes you just give them a break and tell them to rest and let them sleep a little. Oh wait, she has a toddler at home. Never mind. On to my hit.

My Hit:

Since it's just me today, I decided to go out of the box and show you a small screen shot of my Pinterest feed. It's one.giant.hit. Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and cozy and in love with fall?? Yeah, me too. I think I need to go find a sweater to curl up in. LOVE.

And my Miss:

Yes, it is Halloween but come on. If you have this wreath hanging on your door there is no way my kid is ringing your doorbell. I do not need the nightmares for the next year. The faces even look a little like Cocoa and Roscoe (Macie's dolls that she named... no comment). I'm pretty sure the only thing they could add to this wreath to creep me out more is if they used the dolls that have the open/close eyes. EEK.

Find anything good while you were pinning this week??

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